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Ken DeWaard


2 Hour Figure Plein Air Demonstration, Florida 2012

Ken DeWaard and Richard Oversmith giving a 2 hour plein air demo on the riverfront in Apalachicola. Thanks to Holly for posing and Gene Rizzo for the photos.

Setting up the palette.

Charcoal drawing roughed in paying attention to the negative shapes.

Laying in the dark passages. Keeping the shapes simplified and not being concerned with any detail at this time.

Massing in.

Massing in the over all skin tone.

Squinting down to keep the detail to a minimum.

Richard and Ken still massing in the shapes.

Flipping it over to see it better.

Continue to work on the middle values as well as paying close attention to the warm and cool colors.

Progressing along, closing in quickly on our 2 hour window.

Richard, Holly, and Ken.

Holly 16" x 12"

Thanks to Gene Rizzo, Watercolorist, for the photos!

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