Ken DeWaard Fine Art


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Ken DeWaard


    PAE Plein Air Easton Competition - July 2014 - Juror Peter Trippi

"Pear Jordan" 18" x 24" Oil on Linen - SOLD - Awarded 3rd PLACE

Larger Image

"Classic Eastern Shore" 18" x 24" Oil on Linen - SOLD

"The Chicken Coop" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Lunch at Masons" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Eastern Shore" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Tilghman Morning" 16" x 12" Oil - Awarded Tilghman Island Pre Event Artist Choice - SOLD

"The Roost" 18" x 24" Oil on Linen

"Colorful Morning" 8" x 10" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"A Little Russian Inspiration" 16" x 12" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Quiet Morning" 8" x 10" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Sunrise" 9" x 12" Oil on Linen Panel

"Charm of Easton" 8" x 10" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"6902 What a View" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Oxford Sketch " 18" x 24" Oil on Linen - Not Exhibited

"428i" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel Quick Draw - SOLD

"Soft Shell Crab Shack" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - Tidewater Inn Demo - SOLD

Tilghman Island Restart 16" x 12" Oil on Linen Panel - Not finished

Tilghman Island Museum Bail Out - Too Dang Hot 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - Not finished

A few more images to come.

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