Ken DeWaard Fine Art


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Ken DeWaard


    PAE Plein Air Easton Competition - July 2018

"Beautiful Morning, Eastern Shore" 24" x 36" Oil on Linen - SOLD - Award "Best Hospitality" Juried byJill Carver

"Quiet HOT Afternoon" 24" x 30" Oil on Linen

"Lunch Break" 18" x 24" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Morning in Oxford" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Day in the Garden" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel

"Growing Up on the Eastern Shore" 24" x 36" Oil on Linen

"Meet me at the Inn" 8" x 16" Oil on Canvas - SOLD

"Last Light on the Old House" 18" x 24" Oil on Panel - Not Exhibited

"Chickens and Laundry" 12" x 24" Oil on Linen

"Simple yet Stately" 20" x 24" Oil on Linen - SOLD

"Hopper Farm" 12" x 24" Oil on Linen

"Colors for Amie" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Morning on the Farm" 6" x 8" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

Quick Draw "Rainy Day Easton" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel

Sailing Study 8" x 10" Oil on Linen Panel

In memory of our dear friend David Grafton

Competition pieces


A few more images to come . . . .

Thank you to all of the folks at PAE!!

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