Ken DeWaard Fine Art


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Ken DeWaard


    Maui Plein Air Invitational - Feb. 2020

"Kama Aina" 18" x 24" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"The Colors of Maui" 16" x 20" Oil on Panel

"Shiggy's Place" 16" x 20" Oil on Linen Panel

"Pontificating at the Montage" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Morning Splendor" 8" x 10" Oil on Linen Panel

"Another Day in Maui" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"Morning Harbor Maui" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - Not Exhibited

"A Peaceful Morning" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel

"South Maui Splendor" 8" x 10" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

"West Maui Magic" 12" x 16" Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

Painting "Kama Aina" 18x24

This is how we roll and transport our work in Maui, back of a little Ford Ranger. : ) Thanks Brendan!!

This day was amazing! Especially for a Chicago boy who has never seen anything like this.


There are a few more that have not yet been exhibited that will be posted at a later time.

One of the benefits of working in plein air, this is a really nice office for a week.

"Sunny Morning" 8" x 6" Oil on Linen Panel - Mini Auction - SOLD

"Mini Maui" 4" x 4" Oil on Panel - Donation


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